– Today, let every Christian be empowered that anyone can have a relationship with God. Yes God has sent, ministers, and teachers of the word to help and encourage you, however, you do not have to wait for someone to interpret the word of God to you, sometimes you may be deceived. Seek the scriptures yourself.
-For us to have the truth, we must have a direct relationship with Jesus Christ. As the scriptures say, “No one can go to the father except through Him.
John 15:4 – if we remain in Christ, He will remain in you! That’s the essence of a true relationship with Him. Although Jesus died on the cross for us and saved us by His grace, we still need a relationship with Him to see the Kingdom of God.
Jesus Christ detests sin, if we want a relationship with Him, we must rid ourselves of sin. Let us understand that Jesus is above everything. He is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords. He is the one who died and rose again. So whatever we do, we must ensure to glorify his name.
John 17 :8-9 – the disciples accepted the word that Jesus preached and believed he came from God. Therefore Jesus intercede for them since they belonged to Him. So it is key we understand the word of God, accept it and believe in Jesus Christ. Jesus gave us commandments for His own to follow, so if we believe in Him, we must abide by His word.
John 1 :12 – God gives power only to those who have received him through his son Jesus Christ. God is powerful and His power cannot be doubted. We may question, how does this power relate to you and me…well, through a relationship and obedience to Christ, one can tap into that power.
Seek God while time is still near!