Having a relationship with God – Series 16


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Intro: Recently we have been learning about having and maintaining a relationship with God. How a deep connection with your Father in heaven is the key to a fulfilling life. It is a matter of the heart. When you have the heart for something, you are inspired by it and completely engage yourself in it. This lesson focuses on the state of your heart in maintaining a good relationship with Christ.

Nehemiah 1: 1-10 & Nehemiah 2: 1-6. This is a profound scripture of how a movement in the heart inspires great and might feats! Nehemiah was touched by the condition of Jerusalem. The extent of his anguish towards Jerusalem was such that he mourned and wept for a considerable time and even caught the attention of the king whom he served. What is fascinating is that he did not mourn over a personal matter, but rather, his concern was in the state of a significant city of great importance to the worship of the children of God. Note that Nehemiah’s relationship with God was so deep, he understood who God was. He understood the expectations of God. In his prayer to God he even started by acknowledging his iniquity and that of the children of God. Nehemiah was able to make history because his heart was moved and he started by returning to God in passionate prayer before he acted on what was placed on his heart. It was his heart that drove him to start to rectify the situation in Jerusalem.

When our hearts are moved we can do the supernatural. Begin by asking yourself this, what is in your heart? Remember it was what was in Nehemiah’s heart that determined his actions. As Nehemiah started by correcting his relationship with God, we too should take that as a starting point. Then take time to reflect and pray. The more you grow closer to God, the more your concern grows over His work. You become aware of the needs of others above your own. Are you taking part to ensure the work of God is going forward?

It is important to note that Nehemiah didnt have the resources he needed to rebuild and take on the task at hand. But, as it is said, where there is a will, there is a way. When you have the heart to do something you are moved to create a way. You may have the resources, but if you have no heart, then nothing will be accomplished. Once your heart is in the right place, offen God will inspire others to assist you as did the king in Nehemiahs case. What is touching your heart today? Are you going to church time and time again but fail to be concerned about the work of God? The time has come to start having an impact on others and the community at large.

Matthew 28:18. We as Christian’s need to be selfless and be used by God for the benefit of others not ourselves. Nehemiahs journey started with his heart and he went on to do greater things. With the heart, what’s impossible becomes a world of possibility and opportunity. Let your heart be inspired today!

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